Em J Photography Newborn Magic Photoshop Action Set
Editing to me is like magic. I love to show my kids before and after images. You can ask them, I always say, “Wanna see the magic?” They usually roll their eyes but now, but I still feel like a magician! Skin and color have never been easier to fix. Speed up your editing time for Newborn Photography with this incredible set.
These product were made with Newborn Photographers in mind. Editing skin and color are our biggest battle. These actions make the process quick and easy.
38 actions are included in this set. Every action I use regularly in my workflow is there! You now have my magic! I hope you enjoy and use it well.
***If you have questions about the actions hop into my tips & tricks group on facebook I’m happy to help. https://www.facebook.com/groups/232461270481022/
***For problems downloading email me emilyjulanderphotography@gmail.com
Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC
***This is a digital product, no physical product is sent. You will receive a direct download. There will be no refunds. Please be sure of your purchase before making payment.
Editing to me is like magic. I love to show my kids before and after images. You can ask them, I always say, “Wanna see the magic?” They usually roll their eyes but now, but I still feel like a magician! Skin and color have never been easier to fix. Speed up your editing time for Newborn Photography with this incredible set.
These product were made with Newborn Photographers in mind. Editing skin and color are our biggest battle. These actions make the process quick and easy.
38 actions are included in this set. Every action I use regularly in my workflow is there! You now have my magic! I hope you enjoy and use it well.
***If you have questions about the actions hop into my tips & tricks group on facebook I’m happy to help. https://www.facebook.com/groups/232461270481022/
***For problems downloading email me emilyjulanderphotography@gmail.com
Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC
***This is a digital product, no physical product is sent. You will receive a direct download. There will be no refunds. Please be sure of your purchase before making payment.
Editing to me is like magic. I love to show my kids before and after images. You can ask them, I always say, “Wanna see the magic?” They usually roll their eyes but now, but I still feel like a magician! Skin and color have never been easier to fix. Speed up your editing time for Newborn Photography with this incredible set.
These product were made with Newborn Photographers in mind. Editing skin and color are our biggest battle. These actions make the process quick and easy.
38 actions are included in this set. Every action I use regularly in my workflow is there! You now have my magic! I hope you enjoy and use it well.
***If you have questions about the actions hop into my tips & tricks group on facebook I’m happy to help. https://www.facebook.com/groups/232461270481022/
***For problems downloading email me emilyjulanderphotography@gmail.com
Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC
***This is a digital product, no physical product is sent. You will receive a direct download. There will be no refunds. Please be sure of your purchase before making payment.